Own a Lovense Toy?

Connect your Lovense Toy to the Lovense CONNECT (not Remote) app and then pick a Video to play. Success rate is based on how many other people globally have tried the Video and reached the end.

You will be greeted with Instructions for your challenge and your Toy will begin to Vibrate along with the beat markers.

Check the Dev Log for the latest updates!

Development log


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(2 edits)

What do you use for Lovesense connection? Could this be made compatible with Buttplug.io?

Also the memory is broken for me if you guess wrong at the first attempt and the move counter does not increase.

Hi there. I put this one up a bit late in the night and I'll be sure to double check going forward. I let it slip a bit too early so I promise to have it fixed before the end of the day.

I know its in development but glaring bugs like that should be rectified, thanks for the heads up and feedback.

I'll do better going forward thank you :)